D.A. | Owner/Creator/Grandvillain Productions

D.A. is an independent songwriter/artist from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area of Minnesota and owner of Grandvillain Productions. He is a seasoned hip-hop artist heavily influenced by the greats of the ‘80s and '90s including Rakim, Nas, and Dr. Dre, among others. D.A. has previously appeared and performed as Most Official, most notably in 2008, Loud.com competition where he placed second out of nearly 30,000 entrants, scoring an SRC/Universal contract and widespread recognition. After exiting his SRC contract D.A. built a successful hip-hop band, Something Organic, in the Twin Cities area, which while short-lived, rapidly gained popularity.

After a hiatus, building his life and career outside of music, D.A. is back to pursue that passion that has always driven him, music. A burning desire to create and elevate music infused with real bars has pulled D.A. back into the scene where he is currently carving out his hip-hop niche. D.A. plans to release a large body of unreleased work to the public for free soon. Since stepping back into the scene, he has been working to build his team with preferred producers for his upcoming EP, working on a single release, and pursuing songwriting opportunities while working toward television, advertising, and cinematic placements for his work.